
A custom Knockout binding based on the 'options' binding: it allows to filter certain items of a bound collection, keeping them from being attached to the <select> control.

View the Project on GitHub pchiwan/ko-filteredOptions


This is a quite simple custom Knockout binding that I implemented due to a particular need I had with the project my colleague @codecoding and I were working on at the time.

We had a <select> control the source of which was retrieved from server on page load by means of an AJAX request that populated the observable array which was data-bound to the <select> control through the 'options' binding. This control was part of a form that was, in turn, also data-bound to a viewmodel.

For some reason we needed that, at some point, some of the <option> elements in our <select> control could be hidden, filtered out, so that they could not be selected. Removing these <option> elements by removing the respective objects from their bound data-source was not an acceptable solution: our data-sources had to remain unchanged. These options had to be filtered out according to a particular value of a certain property in the source collection's objects, so we came up with the idea for our own custom 'options' binding.

So, what does it do?

It's probably easier to understand with an example so here it goes. We define two viewmodels, Attendee and Show.

var Attendee = function (name, show) {
  this.Name = ko.observable(name ? name : '');
  this.SelectedShow = ko.observable(show ? show : null);

var Show = function(name, isAvailable) {
  this.Id = ko.observable();
  this.Name = ko.observable(name ? name : '');
  this.IsAvailable = ko.observable(isAvailable ? isAvailable : false);

As you can see, when instantiating an Attendee we must specify the attendees's name and, optionally, a show identifier. In turn, when instantiating a Show we must specify its name and whether it is available or not. Next we define a collection of Attendees and a collection of Shows.

this.Attendees = ko.observableArray([
  new Attendee('John'),
  new Attendee('Paul'),
  new Attendee('George'),
  new Attendee('Ringo')

this.Shows = ko.observableArray([
  new Show('Grease', true),
  new Show('Mamma mia!', true),
  new Show('The phantom of the opera', true),
  new Show('We will rock you', true)

Now, as you may have already imagined, our intention is to pair each Attendee with a Show. The collection of shows available to the attendees will be filtered according to whether or not the Show's property IsAvailable is set to true. Head to this fiddle to see it working. Here's the snippet of html code where you can see the our custom data binding 'filteredOptions'.

<div class="example2">
  <div class="left">
    <!-- ko foreach: { data: Attendees(), as: 'attendee' } -->
    <div class="attendee"> 
      <b>Attendee: </b><span data-bind="text: attendee.Name"></span><br>    
      <b>Selected show: </b><select data-bind="filteredOptions: $root.Shows, optionsFiltering: { propertyName: 'IsAvailable', propertyValue: false }, optionsValue: 'Id', optionsText: 'Name', optionsCaption: 'Choose a show', value: attendee.SelectedShow"></select>
    <!-- /ko -->
  <div class="right">
    <!-- ko foreach: { data: Shows(), as: 'show' } -->
    <div class="show">  
      <b>Show: </b><span data-bind="text: show.Name"></span><br>    
      <b>Is available? </b><input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: show.IsAvailable"></input>
    <!-- /ko -->

How does it work?

Basically I copied the code of the original 'options' binding and enhanced it by adding the tiny snippet of logic that does our magic trick. And the trick consists in evaluating a certain property in the source collection's objects and, depending on this property's value, keep these objects from being appended as <option> elements to the <select> control or not.

The only drawback is that we also had to copy some Knockout's private utility methods in order to expose them (because they are not exposed in the production version).

Before we get into detail...

Following up on the previous example fiddle, imagine this situation: we have a collection of Attendee, we select a Show for each of them, and save the form. Assuming there is a stock of available tickets for each Show, when a Show is sold out we should mark it as not available by setting IsAvailable to false.

Doing this will trigger an update in the 'filteredOptions' data binding, causing the source to be re-evaluated and, therefore, the <option> elements to be first removed from and then re-attached to their respective data-bound <select> controls. Thus, a Show that had been previously selected for an Attendee before becoming unavailable will suddenly disappear from the data-bound <select> control's available options; in short: the Show is no longer a selectable option to any of the Attendee, even those who had selected the Show when it was still available. And that's not ok!

I worked around this issue thanks to a very simple but very powerful Knockout extender implemented by my colleague @codecoding, so the credit for the following snippet of code goes to him.

ko.extenders.track = function (target, doTrack) {
  ///<summary>Will track property changes</summary>
  ///<param name="target" type="Object">The observable</param>
  ///<param name="doTrack" type="boolean">true to track the observable, false otherwise</param>

  if (doTrack) {
    target.isTracked = true;
    //keep the observable's original value
    target.originalValue = target();
    //in order to keep track of whether the observable is modified or not
    target.subscribe(function(newValue) {
      if (newValue == target.originalValue) {
        target.modified = false;
      } else {
        target.modified = true;
  } else {
    target.isTracked = false;
  return target;

This extender allows us to keep track of the original value of an observable. Let's apply it to our current example; here's how we modify the definition of our Attendee viewmodel by including the tracking extender.

var Attendee = function (name, show) {
  this.Name = ko.observable(name ? name : '');
  this.SelectedShow = ko.observable(show ? show : null).extend({ track: true });

Now, when declaring our collection of attendees, we pass in an initial value -a selected show id- when instantiating each Attendee. The updated fiddle to try this out is here.

this.Attendees = ko.observableArray([
  new Attendee('John', 1),
  new Attendee('Paul', 2),
  new Attendee('George', 3),
  new Attendee('Ringo', 4)

We also need to update the markup accordingly: we must add another parameter to the 'filteredOptions' data binding.

<select data-bind="filteredOptions: $root.Shows, optionsFiltering: { propertyName: 'IsAvailable', propertyValue: false, exceptionValue: attendee.SelectedShow.originalValue }, optionsValue: 'Id', optionsText: 'Name', optionsCaption: 'Choose a show', value: attendee.SelectedShow"></select>

As you can see for yourself in the fiddle, when making a Show unavailable, the corresponding <option> will disappear from every <select> control except for those which had that <option> selected from the very beginning. We achieve this through the use of the 'tracked' extender, along with the parameter exceptionValue. Keep reading to learn...

How do I use it?

The data binding parameters you'll be using are those of the 'options' binding, plus a few more we've added. The examples provided are related to the previously referenced fiddle. These are our custom parameters:


Use this instead of the original 'options' binding. Keep in mind, though, that in order for our data binding to work, the data source must necessarily be a collection of JavaScript objects, a collection of strings won't do!


A dictionary holding the following parameters.


It's the name of the property in the source collection's objects that will be evaluated to determine whether or not they must be attached to the <select> control. It must be written between single quotes.
I.e.: propertyName: 'IsAvailable'.


An expression the resulting value of which should cause objects to be ruled out when their property with specified propertyName is evaluated. Mind this is negative logic: if the property's value is equal to this expression's value, the object will NOT be attached to the <select> control.
I.e.: propertyValue: false.


An expression the resulting value of which should be an exception to the filtering. When the property with specified propertyName is evaluated, if its value is equal to this expression's value, the object will be attached to the <select> control regardless of what propertyValue says. I.e.: exceptionValue: attendee.SelectedShow.originalValue.

Another example

Here's another usage example, the fiddle for which you will find here. We start by defining, again, two viewmodels: Guest and Meal.

var Guest = function (name, isVegan) {  
  this.Name = ko.observable(name ? name : '');
  this.IsVegan = ko.observable(isVegan ? isVegan : false);
  this.SelectedMeal = ko.observable();

var Meal function = (name, isApt) {
  this.Id = ko.observable();
  this.Name = ko.observable(name ? name : '');
  this.IsAptForVegans = ko.observable(isApt ? isApt : false);

As you can see, when instantiating a Guest we must specify the guest's name and whether he/she is vegan or not. In turn, when instantiating a Meal we must specify its name and whether it is apt for vegans or not. Next we define a collection of Guests and a collection of Meals.

this.Guests = ko.observableArray([
  new Guest('Ernie', false),
  new Guest('Bert', false),
  new Guest('Cookie monster', true)     

this.Meals = ko.observableArray([
  new Meal('Pepperoni pizza', false),
  new Meal('Chicken fingers', false),
  new Meal('Chocolate cookies', true),
  new Meal('Cheese burger', false),
  new Meal('Fruit salad', true)

See the html code below.

<!-- ko foreach: { data: Guests(), as: 'guest' } -->
<div class="guest">
  <div class="left">
    <b>Guest: </b><span data-bind="text: guest.Name"></span><br>
    <b>Is vegan? </b><input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: guest.IsVegan"></input>
  <div class="right">
    <span><b>Meal of choice:</b></span><br>
    <select data-bind="filteredOptions: $root.Meals, optionsFiltering: { propertyName: 'IsAptForVegans', propertyValue: !guest.IsVegan() }, optionsValue: 'Id', optionsText: 'Name', optionsCaption: 'Choose a meal', value: guest.SelectedMeal"></select>
<!-- /ko -->